811 SE
amp with cathode feedback
This amp is inspired by a japanese article in MJ audio magazine. In short the
idea is that you can make the output stage much more linbear by having a short
feedback in its own cathode , the output transformer does this, actually this
was designed with a std LL1620 and Lundahl afterwards came up with the LL1620
CFB. But the idea and use is the same, its current feedback through the output
transformer, but it has a cull prit, the problem is renegaded to the driver
stage as the loss of gain has to be feeded back to the input of the output tube.
But the advantage is you can use a std output tube that is cheap and still have
a very fine sounding amplifier, hence high µ triodes have a new application
whereas normally they would be unsuitable for audio know they are very suitable.
Prototype : 2 monoblocks for sale 1999euro
exceptionally good square wave response
Schematics and Pcb's
We can also supply this in kit complete with chassis and everything but as usual as far as safety and liability is concerned we accet no responsibility whatsoever .
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